Writing Tests

As of glotter2 0.5.0, tests can be auto-generated by adding a tests and use_tests items to the project configuration in .glotter.yml. For details, refer to these sections in the global Glotter2 configuration documentation:

However, if your test cannot be auto-generated, then continue reading this document.

Glotter2 uses pytest behind the scenes for running tests. If you are not familiar with pytest, it may be helpful to learn the basics from their documentation.

Creating a Project Fixture

A project fixture follows the same basic idea as a fixture in pytest. It is used to “provide a fixed baseline upon which tests can… execute.” (from pytest fixture documentation) Fixtures in pytest can also be parametrized (see Parametrizing fixtures). In the case of a project fixture, the “fixed baseline” of the tests is a set of sources that implement a project specified by a project key.

All of this is handled automatically using the project fixture decorator provided by Glotter2.

  • Start by importing the decorator: from glotter import project_test.

  • Then create a fixture function and decorate it with the decorator.

  • The decorator takes a project key as a parameter. See Project Keys below for more information.

  • The function can be named whatever you like, but I recommend naming it something related to the project key.

  • The function must also take a parameter called request.

  • This is due to the way pytest`_ works with parametrizing fixtures. (See pytest parametrize documentation for more information.)

The body of the function should be three commands:

  • request.param.build() - Build the source file. (See Directory Level Configuration)

  • yield request.param - Provide the source to the test.

  • request.param.cleanup() - Cleanup after all tests have run.

Altogether, this should look like the following:

def my_project_key(request):
        yield request.param


While you may have multiple tests for a given project key, only one fixture is required per project key.

Writing a Project Test

As per pytest standards, any functions named starting with test will considered tests. Start by creating such a function. The function must take a parameter with the same name as the project_fixture function you defined for the test (see Creating a Project Fixture above).

Next decorate the function with the project_test decorator provided by Glotter2. Don’t forget to import it from glotter. from glotter import project_test This decorator also takes project key as a parameter. This project key should must match the project key for the project fixture. See Project Keys below for more information.

Any other decorators – from pytest or otherwise – can be added as needed after the project_test decorator.

How to implement the body of the function is up to you. The parameter of the test function named after the project fixture will be of type source. It has the following methods available.

  • build(params='') - build the source with optional parameters

  • run(params=None) - run the source with optional parameters

  • exec(command) - run a command inside of the container where the source exists

  • cleanup() - cleanup the container where the source exists

In most cases only run() should be used in the test. build and cleanup are called by the project fixture as described above. However, I can imagine a corner case where exec could be useful.

Both run and exec return the standard output response from the container. In other words exec will return the response of the command as a string. run will return as a string the output of the source when run with the provided parameters (if necessary). This can be saved off and used for assertions. (See pytest assertion documentation for more information.)

Putting this all together a sample test might looks something like the following:

def test_my_script(my_project_key):
    actual = my_project_key.run()
    assert actual.strip() == 'script was run'

Project Keys

A project key is just a string that refers to a single project that can have multiple source files and/or tests. Project keys are defined in the global Glotter2 configuration. In order for tests to run properly the project key used here must refer to a project key specified in the global Glotter2 configuration. It is case sensitive.

In order to make things easier and prevent confusing typos, I recommend saving these strings as constants somewhere in your project or using an enum with a key method as seen below:

from enum import Enum, auto

class ProjectKeys(Enum):
    Baklava = auto()
    BubbleSort = auto()
    EvenOdd = auto()
    FileIO = auto()
    Factorial = auto()

    def key(self):
        return self.name.lower()


For this example to work, the project keys in your global Glotter2 configuration, must match the names of the enum values letter-for-letter.


If we bring this all together, here is an example of a set of tests for a factorial project. Let’s suppose that the ProjectKey class is in test/__init__.py. Here’s how this would look:

import pytest

from glotter import project_test, project_fixture

from test import ProjectType

error_permutations = [
        'no input',
        'Please enter an integer'
        'invalid input: not a number',
        'Please enter an integer'
        'invalid input: negative',
        'Integer must be positive'

working_permutations = [
        'sample input: zero',
        'sample input: one',
        'sample input: ten',

def factorial(request):
    yield request.param

    'cli_args, expected',
        pytest.param(cli_args, expected, id=description)
        for description, cli_args, expected in working_permutations
def test_factorial(cli_args, expected, factorial):
    actual = factorial.run(params=cli_args)
    assert actual.strip() == expected

    'cli_args, expected',
        pytest.param(cli_args, expected, id=description)
        for description, cli_args, expected in error_permutations
def test_factorial_errors(cli_args, expected, factorial):
    actual = factorial.run(params=cli_args)
    assert actual.strip() == expected